Marco Gui is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research and Director of the “Digital Transformation and Wellbeing Lab” at the University of Milano-Bicocca. His research interests concern social and individual differences in the use of the Internet, with a particular focus on digital inequality, youth and media and the relationship between digital media use and well-being.
His research appears in many of the most influential journals in these fields. Marco Gui was called upon as an expert or has been an advisor for OECD, The Council of the European Union, Sync – Digital Wellbeing Program (Ithra), INVALSI (Italian Institute of Education Evaluation) and Philea Research Forum. He is part of the Editorial Board of “Social Science Computer Review”.


Stéphane Chaudron is an awarded researcher in children’s digital technologies, focusing on development, safety, and literacy. Over the last decade, she has led significant studies in more than 20 countries. Formerly with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, she now advises various organizations, and her innovative work explores AI’s impact on children’s rights. Chaudron has contributed to numerous academic publications and policy reports, as well as speaking at conferences. She has also created educational materials on online safety, including games like Happy Onlife and Cyber Chronix, leveraging her background in Social Geography and Science Pedagogy from UCLouvain and Imperial College.


Paolo Maria Ferri is Full Professor of New Media and Technologies for Education at the Department of Educational Science “Riccardo Massa” of the State University of Milan-Bicocca. He is Director of the Digital Hub (Laboratory of ICT and Pedagogy) of the Department.
His research interests are the digital technologies in didactical and educational contexts: schools, universities, teachers training, E-learning and Blended Learing with special attention to MOOCs, theories of hypertext and hypermedia, and E-publishing.
He is also has been consultant for the Italian Ministry of Education and for other institutions and companies operating in the field of digitallly “augmented” education.



Jacopo Franchi is a Social media manager with ten years of professional experience in institutions, startups, and companies. Expert of new digital media, he is the creator of the information and culture website


Tiziano Gerosa is a researcher at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), where he works on sustainability and the assessment of the environmental, social and educational effects of innovative practices and technologies.
He is an expert in social research methods and techniques.


Mattia Martini is Associate Professor in Management and Organization at the Department of Business and Law, University of Milano-Bicocca. He has participated in different national and European projects related to the governance of labour market services, the human capital development systems and the management of sustainable innovation.
His main research interests actually concern employability development, sustainable HRM, business ethics and management of sustainable innovation.


Chiara Respi is a Technologist at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where she works on the MUSA project (Spoke6) Towards an Educational Pact for Digital Well-being and Safety at school and in the family. A participatory path for the city of Milan, also collaborating in organizing activities for the Digital and Transformation Wellbeing Lab.
Her research interests primarily focus on web-based quantitative surveys and the relationship of young people with technological devices and digital media.


Andrea Rossetti has been an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Milan-Bicocca since 2008, where he also teaches Legal Informatics (a course he also taught at the University of Milan from 2007 to 2012, and currently teaches at the Guardia di Finanza Academy).
Since 1999, he has been involved in Legal Informatics. In 2017, he co-founded the university spin-off ReD Open, which specializes in digital transformation and AI. He is the director of the DIGItal Transformation and Organization of Justice Observatory and manages the related journal and the second-level master’s program.
He also presides over the Law and Informatics research center at the Collegio Ghislieri of Pavia.



Elisabetta Marafioti is Professor of Management at University of Milan – Bicocca. She holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Management and a Degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University. She is President of MsC In Management and Service Design and Director of the Master in Management and Digital Transformation both at University of Milano–Bicocca. She teaches Strategic Management, International Management and Management and Social Entrepreneurship. Her research focuses on digital transformation and business model innovation, CSR, sustainability, networks, complex and innovative ecosystems, international management, and system dynamics application in strategy implementation.


Federico Cabitza is an associate professor at department of informatics, Sistemics and Communication of the University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy) where he teaches human-computer interaction, information systems, human-AI interaction and decision support in different degree programs. He is head of the Laboratory of Uncertainty Models, Decisions and Interactions in the department of Informatics at the above-mentioned university and is director of the local node of the national laboratory “Computer Science and Society.” He is mentioned in the Stanford’s Top 2% Scientists list and he is the author with Luciano Floridi of the book “Artificial Intelligence, the use of new machines” published by Bompiani.


Lia Tirabeni is Associate Professor of Sociology of Organizations at the University of Milano-Bicocca, within the Department of Sociology and Social Research. She has taught organizational courses in the Business Administration and Work and Organizational Psychology degree programs at the University of Turin and the Polytechnic University of Turin. Her main research interests and publications focus on the following topics: the relationship between technology adoption/use and organizational processes, workplace well-being, and organizational culture and identity. She has worked as a researcher and consultant for the design and implementation of corporate well-being programs supported by digital technologies, as well as for the evaluation and monitoring of organizational well-being in both public and private organizations.